We are pleased to announce the release of HEP Experiments in the new INSPIRE platform:


This page allows users to search and view information about experiments in High-Energy Physics, list their collaboration members and explore related papers.


The High-Energy Physics community’s feedback has always been part of shaping and improving INSPIRE. For feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.

Following the recent release of INSPIRE seminars, we are continuously working on improving their integration with the INSPIRE content.

Author’s seminars

In addition to papers, the author profile is expanded to include the author’s seminars, under the “Seminars” tab.

Accessibility information

Information on the accessibility of an online seminar can now be specified in the seminar submission form. Submitters are invited to  add any supporting material and indicate whether captions are available.

While searching for seminars, users can filter seminars that correspond to these criteria.

Links to INSPIRE papers

When submitting a new seminar, users can fill in the link (URL) of a related INSPIRE paper. The seminar will then appear in the paper’s page.

Bibliography generator

Generate a LaTeX/BibTeX bibliography with the new bibliography generator tool:


You will find the tool in the footer, under ‘Tools’:

Search by reference

Following user feedback, search has been improved to enable users to search by references.

eg. Type Phys.Rept. 323 (2000) 183

Institution improvements

You are now able to see collaborations and subjects for papers of each institution:



The High-Energy Physics community’s feedback has always been part of shaping and improving INSPIRE. Stay tuned for upcoming features here.

For feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.

We are happy to announce the release of the new INSPIRE REST API! 

Documentation: https://github.com/inspirehep/rest-api-doc

The highlights of the new API are:

  • Access data from the search and detailed record pages programmatically
  • JSON-based: in contrast to the API on the old INSPIRE, the new API uses JSON as primary data format, which is easy to use in a vast number of programming languages, and uses human-readable and well-documented fields.
  • Other formats, like BibTeX or LaTeX, are directly available and don’t require extracting them from an HTML page


The old API on https://old.inspirehep.net/ will soon be deprecated. If you have been using the old API, please adapt your scripts accordingly. The instructions on how to use the new API are found here

Upcoming features

In the next few weeks, we plan to allow filtering the API response, so you can get only the part of the records you’re interested in. 


The new API is in active development, so feel free to inform us in case of issues or suggestions by creating an issue or contacting us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.


Self-citations are citations from the same collaboration or any of the authors of the paper being cited. Learn more.

The ‘Exclude self-citations’ option allows users to exclude these from the Citation Summary.


Author citations

The new ‘Cited by’ tab in the author profile allows you to browse through an author’s citations; i.e. papers that cited that author.


The results are similar to refersto a S.W.Hawking.1 searches.

HEPData links

INSPIRE papers that have data on HEPData display the respective link in the paper’s page.


Adapting to the increase of virtual seminars in the HEP community, we are happy to announce our new community-sourced seminar database.

Post and search for seminars around the world at:https://inspirehep.net/seminars


  • Past and future seminars can be searched for and filtered by series and subjects.
  • Times are displayed in your timezone.
  • Speakers and affiliations are linked to their INSPIRE pages.

How do I post a new seminar?

As the seminar database is populated and maintained by users, anyone with an ORCID can submit new entries:

  1. Click on Submit > Seminar on the top right of the page.

2. Login with your ORCID to submit a new seminar.

3. The seminar appears immediately in the list of seminars.

The submitter is able to modify a seminar any time via the edit buttons that appear in the bottom of each entry.


The High-Energy Physics community’s feedback has always been part of shaping and improving INSPIRE. If you have more ideas or features that would improve your experience with the new INSPIRE seminars, please contact us at <seminars@inspirehep.net> with feedback or suggestions.


The new Institutions collection allows users to search for institutions in High Energy Physics. It features:

  • Links from author affiliations to the institution’s page
  • List of authors affiliated with the institution
  • List of papers from the institution
  • Citation summary of the papers from the institution

Display advisors

Author profiles now display names of their advisors.

First author search

First author search is now available by typing ‘fa’ before an author name, eg. fa einstein,a

Search with texkey

A popular request from the community has been to support searches using the texkey eg: Einstein:1916vd . This is now implemented, see the example here.


The High-Energy Physics community’s feedback has always been part of shaping and improving INSPIRE. Stay tuned for upcoming features here.
For feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.

In response to our new work reality due to COVID-19, INSPIRE is actively looking for new ways to support researchers.

Over the past few weeks, there has been a surge of publicly available online seminars. After popular demand of listing these seminars in INSPIRE, we are working on a new seminar collection.

Users will be able to submit new seminars to INSPIRE for everyone to browse. Foreseen features include:

  • Linking speakers to INSPIRE author profiles
  • Filtering seminars by series
  • Direct links to attend seminars 

The new INSPIRE seminars will be available in May.

If you have any other ideas on how we can better support the community in these exceptional times, feel free to contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.

Following the new INSPIRE release and community feedback, we are pleased to announce the first of a series of improvements:

Search results display

The display of search results is improved, making it easier to read through them.

Results per page

Users are now able to select the number of results per page: 25, 50, 100 or 250. This option is available at the bottom of the search results next to the number of pages.

Improved author search

Following user reports on specific author searches, the search results have been improved in the “Authors” tab.

Other fixes

The way files and figures are handled and displayed has been improved, a reported bug in the citation summary has been fixed and all redirect links from the old INSPIRE have been corrected.


The High-Energy Physics community’s feedback has always been part of shaping and improving INSPIRE. Stay tuned for upcoming features here.
For feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.

A year after releasing the INSPIRE beta version, we are delighted to announce the official release of the new, upgraded and more featureful INSPIRE. Built on top of a modern and reliable software architecture, the new INSPIRE aims at bringing the best out of the existing features while introducing new ones. Its modern, scalable and robust framework provides a solid foundation for fast and responsive services, intuitive search and comprehensive author profiles.

New features

Intuitive search, easy filtering, interactive citation summary: Take a quick tour of our new features by clicking on ‘Take the tour’ under the Help menu.

Citations differences

Citation counts may differ between the old and the new INSPIRE platforms. Learn more here.

Old INSPIRE end-of-life

The old interface will remain accessible for a limited time at https://old.inspirehep.net/ and will be switched off by June 2020. We are actively looking for community feedback to make sure the important features are implemented in the new version. For feature requests, please contact us via the form.

API and tools on INSPIRE

If you have been using the API, we’d like to hear from you! For the time being, you can still use the API by pointing explicitly to https://old.inspirehep.net/. At the same time, we are working on a new public JSON API and we are currently investigating the community needs: the information and features you would like to see in the new API, the applications you have in mind, and how these could be integrated with INSPIRE. Contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.


During this transition period, for feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.