Datasets from HepData are now integrated into INSPIRE. HepData is a data repository hosted at Durham University which aggregates data extracted from publications in HEP and other datasets made available by the experiments. The data is presented in tables and available as data files for further reuse (plain format on INSPIRE; more formats are available on HepData). With the integration of HepData into INSPIRE, you can access data sets from HepData directly when browsing bibliographical records. If a record on INSPIRE has data from HepData attached, a corresponding tab is displayed next to the references and citation tabs. About 50,000 data files attached to about 7,000 records are available which are stored as regular records in INSPIRE. Datasets from 2012 e.g. can be found here.

What do you think about this new feature included in INSPIRE? We are looking forward to your feedback at

Recently we reprocessed the citations of articles in the Journal of Physics. For historical reasons, each letter series of the Journal of Physics (A through G) was treated in SPIRES, and then INSPIRE, as a separate journal. For all the other journals in INSPIRE each letter series is simply treated as a volume of a single journal (for example, Nuclear Physics, Physical Review and Physics Letters). Because special exceptions had to be made in the database for how we handled the Journal of Physics, it was difficult to guarantee that searches, citation counts and even the display of the publication note always worked correctly.  INSPIRE contains almost 13,000 J.Phys. articles with over 100,000 citations. The re-indexing was completed a while ago but during clean-up you may have noticed a temporary fluctuation in the citation counts. However, everything is fixed now and our entries are much more consistent. In the process we saw citations to J.Phys. articles rise by several thousand.

As we consolidate the move from SPIRES to INSPIRE we will continue to examine things that, though they once made sense in SPIRES, no longer need to be done the same way. One particularly important issue is the eprint number. In SPIRES, depending on where in the record it was stored, an eprint number could be written: hep-th/9711200, hep-th 9711200, hepth-9711200 or even arXiv:hep-th/9711200. Cleaning up this is sure to net some long-hidden citations!

Following our users’ request to extend the historical content of INSPIRE, we now provide full text PDFs of contributions to the International Conferences on High-Energy Accelerators (HEACC). Conference proceedings are a cornerstone of communication for the Accelerator Physics community, (as preprints are for the HEP community) and these proceedings are very valuable, as HEACC was the first important accelerator conference series. In total, 18 conferences took place – the first one in 1956 at CERN and the last one in 2001 in Tsukuba in Japan. The proceedings have been scanned and are searchable. Unfortunately, the contributions from the 11th (in Geneva in 1980) and the 15th (in Hamburg in 1992) conference cannot be made available, except for preprints we already have in INSPIRE, as the copyright for these is owned by the publishers. The 2001 contributions are only available in digital form. Unfortunately, the links to the conference homepage are broken but we will try to get in touch with the editors to make these contributions available. The conferences can be found in the conference database with the search find series HEACC. As part of each conference entry, you will find a link that leads you to a list of the contributions.

In addition to the conference proceedings, we have also scanned the Catalogues of High-Energy Accelerators published in conjunction with some of the HEACC conferences.

If you or your colleagues happen to have an electronic version of historical material that is listed on INSPIRE, we are happy to make it available. For this or other comments, just let us know at