A year after releasing the INSPIRE beta version, we are delighted to announce the official release of the new, upgraded and more featureful INSPIRE. Built on top of a modern and reliable software architecture, the new INSPIRE aims at bringing the best out of the existing features while introducing new ones. Its modern, scalable and robust framework provides a solid foundation for fast and responsive services, intuitive search and comprehensive author profiles.
New features
Intuitive search, easy filtering, interactive citation summary: Take a quick tour of our new features by clicking on ‘Take the tour’ under the Help menu.

Citations differences
Citation counts may differ between the old and the new INSPIRE platforms. Learn more here.
Old INSPIRE end-of-life
The old interface will remain accessible for a limited time at https://old.inspirehep.net/ and will be switched off by June 2020. We are actively looking for community feedback to make sure the important features are implemented in the new version. For feature requests, please contact us via the form.
API and tools on INSPIRE
If you have been using the API, we’d like to hear from you! For the time being, you can still use the API by pointing explicitly to https://old.inspirehep.net/. At the same time, we are working on a new public JSON API and we are currently investigating the community needs: the information and features you would like to see in the new API, the applications you have in mind, and how these could be integrated with INSPIRE. Contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.
During this transition period, for feature requests, please fill in your feedback here. For any other request, you can contact us at <feedback@inspirehep.net>.