Our new, fast-loading author publication profile pages, e.g. http://inspirehep.net/author/R.P.Feynman.1/ provide a comprehensive overview of a person’s publications including citation summary and co-authors. This information is now available to full extent as the boxes showing keywords etc. can be expanded by clicking. For your own page, it will allow you to claim your papers and make sure your list of publications is complete and accurate. Furthermore, the new pages combine INSPIRE’s publication information with the HEPNames biographical entry for the person. In some cases where we aren’t sure of the exact matching between the author page and a HEPNames entry, we offer a list of possibilities with the option to identify one of them as the right one or add a new one. More information to the HEPNames entry can be added by clicking on the blue update button and your help here will be greatly appreciated!

To see these pages, just click on an author’s name the next time you do an INSPIRE search. And of course you can let us know how you like the new profile pages by sending mail to authors@inspirehep.net.

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